Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Thank you to all our customers for your business and support during 2024. We have been impressed by the dedication by management and operational employees to ensure safe rail operations and commend you for your diligence.
As 2024 draws to a close and we look forward to spending more time with friends and family, the Rail-Werx office will be closed from December 22nd, 2024 and re-open on January 2, 2025.
During this time, should you require immediate assistance, please call 780-395-5995 Ext. 3 and leave a message or e-mail: admin@railwerx.ca and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are sending Seasons Greetings and wishing everyone a Joyous and Safe Festive Season from The Rail-Werx Team.
Dave Gilbert, Board Chair
Art Nordholm, Director of Operations & Training
Knut Ohm, VP Business Development
Lorretta Klein, Executive Administrator
John Armstrong, Lead Instructor
Rick Cerilli, Instructor
Craig Berry, Instructor
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Thank you to all our clients for your business and support during 2023. This year has been challenging regarding employment shortages and inflationary pressures that bear on business operations. We commend you for your diligence in ensuring a safe rail operation.
As 2023 draws to a close and we look forward to spending more time with friends and family, the Rail-Werx office will be closed from December 22nd, 2023 and re-open on January 3, 2024.
During this time, should you require immediate assistance, please call 780-395-5995 Ext. 3 and leave a message or e-mail: admin@railwerx.ca and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are sending Seasons Greetings and wishing everyone a Joyous and Safe Festive Season from The Rail-Werx Team.
Dave Gilbert, Board Chair
Art Nordholm, Director of Operations & Training
Knut Ohm, VP Business Development
Lorretta Klein, Executive Administrator
John Armstrong, Lead Instructor
Rick Cerilli, Instructor
Craig Berry, Instructor
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Rail-Werx is pleased to announce our Incident Investigation course being held on November 2 & 3, 2023 in Edmonton. The course has been developed by our senior rail instructors who have many years of incident investigation experience. The course is designed to assist managers, designated lead (and other) investigators who participate in and/or conduct investigations in the process and methodology of doing so.
The course teaches investigators how to investigate an incident from initial contact to final report. Each stage of the investigation process and methodology to establish the initial cause, basic cause and root cause of the incident are covered. The course consists of a knowledge and a case study (hands-on) component. This course supports your current company investigation standards and assists the investigator to identify all causes and develop effective recommendations.
Please direct your enquiry to admin@railwerx.ca to receive further information.
Art Nordholm, VP of Operations & Training
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Rail-Werx is holding the next
Railway Safety Management System Auditor training at our Edmonton training
facility on the 5th and 6th of October 2023. The duration of the training is 1.5 days.
To reserve a seat, please contact Knut Ohm at: knut.ohm@railwerx.ca Cell: 780-966-4796
Forwarded on behalf of Knut Ohm:
The recent fatality is a sombre reminder of the dangers of working on or around railway tracks, especially for trainees. Mentors need to keep trainees as close as possible when on or about the tracks to ensure their safety.
Please share the CN Safety Flash with your team. It takes a team effort to make sure everyone goes home safe after each shift!
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting, and safety management development.
Knut Ohm
VP Business Development
Download our brochure here.
Good Day, All:
Our good friend Bill Wilson (at Central Alberta Railway Museum located southeast of Wetaskiwin) was the focus of a snow plow video created by Railfanning with Tony V.
The video is named Riding the plow extra using a rare 1913 CP Rail 400766 snow plow. The drone shots and action on the ground are spectacular as the plow must take several runs to tackle the snow drifts.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
At Rail-Werx railway courses and audit bookings are heating up. We would be happy to discuss your training and auditing requirements. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us at admin@railwerx.ca or (780) 395-5995 Ext 3
Download our brochure here.
Good day, All:
As winter sets in, it is timely to think about winter operations. Please look at the “Preparing for Winter Together”
video from our CN friends. It has some excellent winter safety points.
As always, be safe out there!
Need Training or other railway services? Please
have a look at our services at https://railwerx.ca/services.php
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Good day, All:
It has been a while since I received/sent a SOFA Report. COVID has had a real impact in many areas. Hopefully, things have returned to somewhat normal and the SOFA reports will be generated more often.
Need Training or other railway services? Please have a look at our services at https://railwerx.ca/services.php
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
This tragic incident involved insufficient walking space next to the track. Take proactive measures such as regularly having your rail team review:
It takes teamwork to keep all safe!
The NTSB Accident Report, completed June 6, 2022, was released Monday. Please share with your Rail Team.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Forwarded on behalf of Knut Ohm
Good Day, All:
A sad incident that should not have occurred. please share the NTSB Report with your rail staff.
The National Transportation Safety Board has determined that a Kansas City Southern conductor killed in a December 2020 accident in Tupelo, Miss., fell in front of the train during switching because of unexpected slack action.
The report states that during a shoving move in the Tupelo yard on December 23, 2020, the conductor may have been in an unstable position as he held a vertical handrail on a tank car while operating his handheld radio. Slack action from a reduction in train speed by about 3 mph in 3 seconds, if unexpected, could have caused the conductor to fall.
After the fall, the conductor was able to communicate by radio that he had been injured. Tupelo Fire Department responders arrived within 10 minutes after a 911 call and transported the conductor to the hospital, where he died from his injuries.
Immediately after the accident, KCS issued a safety alert to employees reiterating rules regarding safety while switching and directed supervisors to thoroughly review those rules.
Knut Ohm, VP Business Development
Phone: 780-966-4796
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Good Day, All:
Spring Equinox begins on Sunday, March 20, 2022. With spring runoff it is a good idea to check the track drainage and culverts to avoid flooding. Spring is also a good time to plan your railway training and audit requirements for the year. Booking early will ensure you receive Rail-Werx services when you need them.
As part of our ongoing effort to share safety information, the December 2021 FRA SOFA Report is available for your review. Feel free to cite, circulate, transmit, reformat, and reference this information.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Unfortunately, this is a strong reminder of the significant hazards of working on or about tracks. Anytime we are working on or about tracks we must ensure that we are clear of any movements and expect movement at ANY TIME, in any direction. Always minimize the time foul of a track as contact with any moving on track equipment can result in severe or even catastrophic injuries.
Day, All:
A recent incident on the Columbia Walla Walla Railway (CWW) on January 25, 2022, at approximately 12:30 pm, involved an uncontrolled movement when an empty propane car rolled freely down the track. The incident ensued when the crew set an empty tank car to the mainline while switching the industry. The tank car began to roll uncontrolled at speeds estimated near 50 mph.
The tank car travelled west approximately 15.3 miles on the mainline where the car came to rest and was secured. During its journey, the runaway tank car traversed an estimated 28 crossings (both private and public).
This incident could have resulted in dire consequences. We do not have any definitive information on the cause, however, some possible scenarios are: was the car left with no hand brake applied, or was the hand brake applied and no push-pull test was performed etc.
It does remind us that no car(s) should be left unattended without being properly secured.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Day All
Please share the following with your rail crews:
On October 27, 2021, at approximately 2:15 AM (EDT), a conductor (Conductor 1) with 6 months of service sustained a serious injury to his right foot while switching in a yard. The weather at the time of the incident was dark, 8 degrees Celsius and clear skies.
Conductor 1 was working in the yard and was accompanying the engineer (Engineer 1) while performing a ground inspection of three locomotives located on the scale track in the Middle Yard. Engineer 1 boarded the locomotive and Conductor 1 remained on the ground and was in the foul of the adjacent track (Middle Track 1) with his back to a shove move that was occurring on the adjacent track.
A second train was shoving 3 cars westward on East Yard 1 track to the Middle Track 2. Conductor 1 and Engineer 1 were operating on the yard radio channel and the other crew were operating on the road radio channel at the time of the accident. Conductor 2 that was protecting the 3-car shove was positioned ahead of the movement and did not see anyone on the ground near the locomotives. Conductor 1 was struck by the 3-car shove and suffered the amputation of his right foot above the ankle. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital and underwent surgery.
Never put yourself in a position to foul another track and be aware of your spatial surroundings.
Rail-Werx: your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management system development.
Forwarded for Knut Ohm, Rail-Werx Inc.
Good Day All:
Railroading is a 24/7 operation and all involved need to pay attention to operating details. The April 2021 AMTRAK Operating Practice Advisory entitled Leaving Equipment in the Clear is a good reminder to not foul any adjacent track. History has shown serious injury or a fatality can occur when cars are left foul.
Please take the time to share with other railway personnel.
Rail-Werx: your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management system development.
With the extreme heat in our area for the next couple of weeks, I would recommend that your track personnel keep a close eye out for track buckles. This type of weather can put a lot of stress on your rail and track structures leading to major track buckles that can result in engine or car derailment, cause property damage or even personal injuries.
Please watch for any movement in your track. If you find any track that has buckled, you must lock it out or red flag the location until the repairs can be made.
I have attached some information and a few videos to review.
Please call me or email me at the number below, if you have any questions about track buckles or track concerns.
Thank You,
Dale Winkler
Manager of Rail Services
4218-43 Street
Camrose, AB T4V-5H4
E-Mail- d.winkler@necltd.ca
Good Day All:
The May 2021 Safety Alert from the SOFA Working Group reminds us of the tragic outcomes that can occur in a railway operation.
It reminds all involved in switching operations of the constant need to be vigilant. Please share with your railway staff.
Rail-Werx: your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management system development.
Be safe out there!
As indicated by the coding in the FRA’s electronic file (6180.55a), 4 of the 6 September SIs involved acts and situations often associated with increased risk for a casualty. Two of these 4 SIs were amputations.
sudden/unexpected movement
• getting on
moving equipment
• getting off
moving equipment
• going between
equipment to adjust a coupler
There were 5 SIs in October. All were fractures: 3 to the leg or foot; 1 to the torso; and 1 to various body parts.
Through October there have been 43 SIs in 2020 compared to 59 for the same period in 2019. Six were amputations.
Historically since 1997, January, February, and March are among the highest months for SIs. And these three months represent the highest quarterly counts for SIs.
SIs increase in winter months. One reason is the increase in cases coded as involving slips, trips, and falls. Annually, such cases constitute 43.8 percent of all SIs. But during the winter months of December, January, and February, these cases rise to 50.5, 55.2, 49.1 percent respectively of total monthly SIs.
Rail-Werx is your go-to railway training and auditing service provider. Book early to lock in your training and auditing needs. To book any of Rail-Werx services, please contact myself at: 780-966-4796 or Art Nordholm at: 780-717-2052 or art.nordholm@railwerx.ca
Forwarded by Rail-Werx on behalf of Knut Ohm:
Safety Folks,
The SOFA Severe Injury Update for July 2020 indicates there were 4 SIs. All were fractures: 3 to the leg or foot; and 1 to the torso. The SI to the torso was described by the accompanying narrative:
Of the 2,186 SIs that occurred since 1997, 135 (6.2 percent) were coded as being struck by on-track equipment. Nearly 72 percent of these SIs occurred at a yard location.
Always be alert to hazards involving moving equipment!
The SOFA-defined Severe
Injury Update for August 2020 reports 2 SIs. Both were
fractures: 1 to the torso and 1 to the leg or foot. Through August 2020, there
have been 32 SIs in 2020. Four were amputations.
As we are now in winter operations, it is a good idea to review your
company`s plans to reduce slips, trips, falls, and the good housekeeping
practice of having supplies on hand to treat icy walkways and snow
Rail-Werx is your first choice for railway auditing and training!
Forwarded by
Rail-Werx on behalf of Knut Ohm:
Good Day All:
The June 2020 SOFA Report notes some interesting historical occurrences data. One that stands out is that there has never been a month between January 1997 and June 2020 when zero severe injuries (SI) and amputations were reported. The other is that June, historically, has the lowest count of SIs and amputations with December and January having the highest SIs.
We are now in the fall of the year and snow and freezing rain will be our reality. Winter conditions, with inherent slips, trips, and falls result in SIs. Is your railway prepared to meet the changing conditions? Let us all be proactive and review our winter preparedness plans!Rail Werx thanks those who have utilized our Training, Auditing, and DG Security Plan development and invites others to contact us for future railway needs and resources.
Good Day All:
Rail-Werx is helping industry with writing the required Transport Canada Dangerous Goods Security Plan. Please let me know if we can assist you in this regard or have any questions.
Please visit https://railwerx.ca/ for your railway training, auditing and resources needs.
Click here to see previous news emails from Rail-Werx Inc.
Good Day.
Transport Canada Intermodal Surface
Security Oversight sent out e-mails to companies deemed to be dangerous goods. The emails outline the requirement of Loaders to have a Dangerous Goods Security Plan and training program
in place as of August 3, 2020.
Rail-Werx has
experience assisting companies in developing their security plans as well as
providing auditing, track inspection, rail car handling and security, rail car
mover and locomotive training.
If your company
does not have the required security plan or requires other railway training, please let me know.
Good Day All. I hope all is well with you, your family and colleagues during these trying times.
The May 2020 SOFA Report gathered interesting statistics, namely: the Body Location for 2,181 Serious Injury Occurrences and the Body Location for 286 Amputations from January 1997 through May 2020. Of particular note, there were 57.8% leg and body amputations and 40% arm or hand amputations! Way too many!
Clearly, COVID-19 has challenged us all. It should not comprise our attention to potential hazards at our worksite.
If you missed any of our past e-mails, you can read them on our Website at News.
Also see our Resource page for forms no longer available on the Alberta Transportation Website.
Stay well,
Good Day All:
I hope you are all safe and enjoying summer! As many of you are aware, I have retired from Alberta Transportation and have been busy and enjoying my time at Rail-Werx.
I thought you would find this Rail Transportation Safety Investigation Report referencing a "Main-Track Collision With Standing Cars" interesting and a resource you may wish to share at your safety meeting.
Our Resources tab on our Website has many documents that are no longer available on the Government website. We have also added new documents that were not available elsewhere before.
Let me know if Rail-Werx can assist you with your railway auditing and training needs. In the interim, I hope the rest of your summer goes well for you and your family.
All the best!
Rail-Werx is pleased to provide you with a link to the SOFA-defined Severe Injury Updates for March and April 2020.
The March Summary of Injuries are:
6 SIs in March 2020.
Two were amputations, both to the leg or foot. The other 4 SIs were fractures:
3 to the leg or foot; and 1 to the torso
January through March
there were 17 SIs in 2020, compared to 15 that occurred in the same months of
Three of the March 2020
SIs were amputations
· Four of these March SIs involved falling while walking at ground level.
The April Summary
of Injuries are:
3 SIs in April 2020.
One was an amputation to the leg or foot. The other 2 SIs were fractures, both
to the torso
January through April
there have been 20 SIs (4 were amputations) in 2020, compared to 22 SIs that
occurred in the same months of 2019.
These Reports are also stored in our Resource Library.
Always work safely!
If your company requires any railway assistance from training to auditing, please feel free to contact me at 780-966-4796.
all your railway training and auditing requirements, please visit https://railwerx.ca/
response, Rail-Werx has added a Resource tab on our Website to house these documents and others that
are not found elsewhere on the Web. You might find this collection to be useful
in your railway operations.
important date to note is August 14, 2020 when Alberta Transportation's
training and auditing exemption/deferral letters expire and may not be renewed.
If you
need assistance for your training and auditing regulatory requirements, we are
here to assist you. Please see our Services tab on our website for further information.
free to call me at 780-966-4796 if you have any questions.
Knut Ohm
VP Business Development
Sad news when a railway fatality
occurs, it reminds us all that working in a railway yard has hazards and we must
always be vigilant. There is a Go Fund Me campaign set up for the worker’s
family (with the link found in the news article).
Stay vigilant and be safe,
LATEST NEWSLINKSwww.railwerx.ca |
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Thank you to all our customers for your business and support during 2024. We have been impressed by the dedication by management and operational employees to ensure safe rail operations and commend you for your diligence.
As 2024 draws to a close and we look forward to spending more time with friends and family, the Rail-Werx office will be closed from December 22nd, 2024 and re-open on January 2, 2025.
During this time, should you require immediate assistance, please call 780-395-5995 Ext. 3 and leave a message or e-mail: admin@railwerx.ca and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are sending Seasons Greetings and wishing everyone a Joyous and Safe Festive Season from The Rail-Werx Team.
Dave Gilbert, Board Chair
Art Nordholm, Director of Operations & Training
Knut Ohm, VP Business Development
Lorretta Klein, Executive Administrator
John Armstrong, Lead Instructor
Rick Cerilli, Instructor
Craig Berry, Instructor
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Thank you to all our clients for your business and support during 2023. This year has been challenging regarding employment shortages and inflationary pressures that bear on business operations. We commend you for your diligence in ensuring a safe rail operation.
As 2023 draws to a close and we look forward to spending more time with friends and family, the Rail-Werx office will be closed from December 22nd, 2023 and re-open on January 3, 2024.
During this time, should you require immediate assistance, please call 780-395-5995 Ext. 3 and leave a message or e-mail: admin@railwerx.ca and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are sending Seasons Greetings and wishing everyone a Joyous and Safe Festive Season from The Rail-Werx Team.
Dave Gilbert, Board Chair
Art Nordholm, Director of Operations & Training
Knut Ohm, VP Business Development
Lorretta Klein, Executive Administrator
John Armstrong, Lead Instructor
Rick Cerilli, Instructor
Craig Berry, Instructor
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Rail-Werx is pleased to announce our Incident Investigation course being held on November 2 & 3, 2023 in Edmonton. The course has been developed by our senior rail instructors who have many years of incident investigation experience. The course is designed to assist managers, designated lead (and other) investigators who participate in and/or conduct investigations in the process and methodology of doing so.
The course teaches investigators how to investigate an incident from initial contact to final report. Each stage of the investigation process and methodology to establish the initial cause, basic cause and root cause of the incident are covered. The course consists of a knowledge and a case study (hands-on) component. This course supports your current company investigation standards and assists the investigator to identify all causes and develop effective recommendations.
Please direct your enquiry to admin@railwerx.ca to receive further information.
Art Nordholm, VP of Operations & Training
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Rail-Werx is holding the next
Railway Safety Management System Auditor training at our Edmonton training
facility on the 5th and 6th of October 2023. The duration of the training is 1.5 days.
To reserve a seat, please contact Knut Ohm at: knut.ohm@railwerx.ca Cell: 780-966-4796
Forwarded on behalf of Knut Ohm:
The recent fatality is a sombre reminder of the dangers of working on or around railway tracks, especially for trainees. Mentors need to keep trainees as close as possible when on or about the tracks to ensure their safety.
Please share the CN Safety Flash with your team. It takes a team effort to make sure everyone goes home safe after each shift!
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting, and safety management development.
Knut Ohm
VP Business Development
Download our brochure here.
Good Day, All:
Our good friend Bill Wilson (at Central Alberta Railway Museum located southeast of Wetaskiwin) was the focus of a snow plow video created by Railfanning with Tony V.
The video is named Riding the plow extra using a rare 1913 CP Rail 400766 snow plow. The drone shots and action on the ground are spectacular as the plow must take several runs to tackle the snow drifts.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
At Rail-Werx railway courses and audit bookings are heating up. We would be happy to discuss your training and auditing requirements. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us at admin@railwerx.ca or (780) 395-5995 Ext 3
Download our brochure here.
Good day, All:
As winter sets in, it is timely to think about winter operations. Please look at the “Preparing for Winter Together”
video from our CN friends. It has some excellent winter safety points.
As always, be safe out there!
Need Training or other railway services? Please
have a look at our services at https://railwerx.ca/services.php
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Good day, All:
It has been a while since I received/sent a SOFA Report. COVID has had a real impact in many areas. Hopefully, things have returned to somewhat normal and the SOFA reports will be generated more often.
Need Training or other railway services? Please have a look at our services at https://railwerx.ca/services.php
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
This tragic incident involved insufficient walking space next to the track. Take proactive measures such as regularly having your rail team review:
It takes teamwork to keep all safe!
The NTSB Accident Report, completed June 6, 2022, was released Monday. Please share with your Rail Team.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Forwarded on behalf of Knut Ohm
Good Day, All:
A sad incident that should not have occurred. please share the NTSB Report with your rail staff.
The National Transportation Safety Board has determined that a Kansas City Southern conductor killed in a December 2020 accident in Tupelo, Miss., fell in front of the train during switching because of unexpected slack action.
The report states that during a shoving move in the Tupelo yard on December 23, 2020, the conductor may have been in an unstable position as he held a vertical handrail on a tank car while operating his handheld radio. Slack action from a reduction in train speed by about 3 mph in 3 seconds, if unexpected, could have caused the conductor to fall.
After the fall, the conductor was able to communicate by radio that he had been injured. Tupelo Fire Department responders arrived within 10 minutes after a 911 call and transported the conductor to the hospital, where he died from his injuries.
Immediately after the accident, KCS issued a safety alert to employees reiterating rules regarding safety while switching and directed supervisors to thoroughly review those rules.
Knut Ohm, VP Business Development
Phone: 780-966-4796
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Good Day, All:
Spring Equinox begins on Sunday, March 20, 2022. With spring runoff it is a good idea to check the track drainage and culverts to avoid flooding. Spring is also a good time to plan your railway training and audit requirements for the year. Booking early will ensure you receive Rail-Werx services when you need them.
As part of our ongoing effort to share safety information, the December 2021 FRA SOFA Report is available for your review. Feel free to cite, circulate, transmit, reformat, and reference this information.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Unfortunately, this is a strong reminder of the significant hazards of working on or about tracks. Anytime we are working on or about tracks we must ensure that we are clear of any movements and expect movement at ANY TIME, in any direction. Always minimize the time foul of a track as contact with any moving on track equipment can result in severe or even catastrophic injuries.
Day, All:
A recent incident on the Columbia Walla Walla Railway (CWW) on January 25, 2022, at approximately 12:30 pm, involved an uncontrolled movement when an empty propane car rolled freely down the track. The incident ensued when the crew set an empty tank car to the mainline while switching the industry. The tank car began to roll uncontrolled at speeds estimated near 50 mph.
The tank car travelled west approximately 15.3 miles on the mainline where the car came to rest and was secured. During its journey, the runaway tank car traversed an estimated 28 crossings (both private and public).
This incident could have resulted in dire consequences. We do not have any definitive information on the cause, however, some possible scenarios are: was the car left with no hand brake applied, or was the hand brake applied and no push-pull test was performed etc.
It does remind us that no car(s) should be left unattended without being properly secured.
Rail-Werx: Your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management development.
Download our brochure here.
Day All
Please share the following with your rail crews:
On October 27, 2021, at approximately 2:15 AM (EDT), a conductor (Conductor 1) with 6 months of service sustained a serious injury to his right foot while switching in a yard. The weather at the time of the incident was dark, 8 degrees Celsius and clear skies.
Conductor 1 was working in the yard and was accompanying the engineer (Engineer 1) while performing a ground inspection of three locomotives located on the scale track in the Middle Yard. Engineer 1 boarded the locomotive and Conductor 1 remained on the ground and was in the foul of the adjacent track (Middle Track 1) with his back to a shove move that was occurring on the adjacent track.
A second train was shoving 3 cars westward on East Yard 1 track to the Middle Track 2. Conductor 1 and Engineer 1 were operating on the yard radio channel and the other crew were operating on the road radio channel at the time of the accident. Conductor 2 that was protecting the 3-car shove was positioned ahead of the movement and did not see anyone on the ground near the locomotives. Conductor 1 was struck by the 3-car shove and suffered the amputation of his right foot above the ankle. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital and underwent surgery.
Never put yourself in a position to foul another track and be aware of your spatial surroundings.
Rail-Werx: your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management system development.
Forwarded for Knut Ohm, Rail-Werx Inc.
Good Day All:
Railroading is a 24/7 operation and all involved need to pay attention to operating details. The April 2021 AMTRAK Operating Practice Advisory entitled Leaving Equipment in the Clear is a good reminder to not foul any adjacent track. History has shown serious injury or a fatality can occur when cars are left foul.
Please take the time to share with other railway personnel.
Rail-Werx: your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management system development.
With the extreme heat in our area for the next couple of weeks, I would recommend that your track personnel keep a close eye out for track buckles. This type of weather can put a lot of stress on your rail and track structures leading to major track buckles that can result in engine or car derailment, cause property damage or even personal injuries.
Please watch for any movement in your track. If you find any track that has buckled, you must lock it out or red flag the location until the repairs can be made.
I have attached some information and a few videos to review.
Please call me or email me at the number below, if you have any questions about track buckles or track concerns.
Thank You,
Dale Winkler
Manager of Rail Services
4218-43 Street
Camrose, AB T4V-5H4
E-Mail- d.winkler@necltd.ca
Good Day All:
The May 2021 Safety Alert from the SOFA Working Group reminds us of the tragic outcomes that can occur in a railway operation.
It reminds all involved in switching operations of the constant need to be vigilant. Please share with your railway staff.
Rail-Werx: your partner in providing training, auditing, consulting and safety management system development.
Be safe out there!
As indicated by the coding in the FRA’s electronic file (6180.55a), 4 of the 6 September SIs involved acts and situations often associated with increased risk for a casualty. Two of these 4 SIs were amputations.
sudden/unexpected movement
• getting on
moving equipment
• getting off
moving equipment
• going between
equipment to adjust a coupler
There were 5 SIs in October. All were fractures: 3 to the leg or foot; 1 to the torso; and 1 to various body parts.
Through October there have been 43 SIs in 2020 compared to 59 for the same period in 2019. Six were amputations.
Historically since 1997, January, February, and March are among the highest months for SIs. And these three months represent the highest quarterly counts for SIs.
SIs increase in winter months. One reason is the increase in cases coded as involving slips, trips, and falls. Annually, such cases constitute 43.8 percent of all SIs. But during the winter months of December, January, and February, these cases rise to 50.5, 55.2, 49.1 percent respectively of total monthly SIs.
Rail-Werx is your go-to railway training and auditing service provider. Book early to lock in your training and auditing needs. To book any of Rail-Werx services, please contact myself at: 780-966-4796 or Art Nordholm at: 780-717-2052 or art.nordholm@railwerx.ca
Forwarded by Rail-Werx on behalf of Knut Ohm:
Safety Folks,
The SOFA Severe Injury Update for July 2020 indicates there were 4 SIs. All were fractures: 3 to the leg or foot; and 1 to the torso. The SI to the torso was described by the accompanying narrative:
Of the 2,186 SIs that occurred since 1997, 135 (6.2 percent) were coded as being struck by on-track equipment. Nearly 72 percent of these SIs occurred at a yard location.
Always be alert to hazards involving moving equipment!
The SOFA-defined Severe
Injury Update for August 2020 reports 2 SIs. Both were
fractures: 1 to the torso and 1 to the leg or foot. Through August 2020, there
have been 32 SIs in 2020. Four were amputations.
As we are now in winter operations, it is a good idea to review your
company`s plans to reduce slips, trips, falls, and the good housekeeping
practice of having supplies on hand to treat icy walkways and snow
Rail-Werx is your first choice for railway auditing and training!
Forwarded by
Rail-Werx on behalf of Knut Ohm:
Good Day All:
The June 2020 SOFA Report notes some interesting historical occurrences data. One that stands out is that there has never been a month between January 1997 and June 2020 when zero severe injuries (SI) and amputations were reported. The other is that June, historically, has the lowest count of SIs and amputations with December and January having the highest SIs.
We are now in the fall of the year and snow and freezing rain will be our reality. Winter conditions, with inherent slips, trips, and falls result in SIs. Is your railway prepared to meet the changing conditions? Let us all be proactive and review our winter preparedness plans!Rail Werx thanks those who have utilized our Training, Auditing, and DG Security Plan development and invites others to contact us for future railway needs and resources.
Good Day All:
Rail-Werx is helping industry with writing the required Transport Canada Dangerous Goods Security Plan. Please let me know if we can assist you in this regard or have any questions.
Please visit https://railwerx.ca/ for your railway training, auditing and resources needs.
Click here to see previous news emails from Rail-Werx Inc.
Good Day.
Transport Canada Intermodal Surface
Security Oversight sent out e-mails to companies deemed to be dangerous goods. The emails outline the requirement of Loaders to have a Dangerous Goods Security Plan and training program
in place as of August 3, 2020.
Rail-Werx has
experience assisting companies in developing their security plans as well as
providing auditing, track inspection, rail car handling and security, rail car
mover and locomotive training.
If your company
does not have the required security plan or requires other railway training, please let me know.
Good Day All. I hope all is well with you, your family and colleagues during these trying times.
The May 2020 SOFA Report gathered interesting statistics, namely: the Body Location for 2,181 Serious Injury Occurrences and the Body Location for 286 Amputations from January 1997 through May 2020. Of particular note, there were 57.8% leg and body amputations and 40% arm or hand amputations! Way too many!
Clearly, COVID-19 has challenged us all. It should not comprise our attention to potential hazards at our worksite.
If you missed any of our past e-mails, you can read them on our Website at News.
Also see our Resource page for forms no longer available on the Alberta Transportation Website.
Stay well,
Good Day All:
I hope you are all safe and enjoying summer! As many of you are aware, I have retired from Alberta Transportation and have been busy and enjoying my time at Rail-Werx.
I thought you would find this Rail Transportation Safety Investigation Report referencing a "Main-Track Collision With Standing Cars" interesting and a resource you may wish to share at your safety meeting.
Our Resources tab on our Website has many documents that are no longer available on the Government website. We have also added new documents that were not available elsewhere before.
Let me know if Rail-Werx can assist you with your railway auditing and training needs. In the interim, I hope the rest of your summer goes well for you and your family.
All the best!
Rail-Werx is pleased to provide you with a link to the SOFA-defined Severe Injury Updates for March and April 2020.
The March Summary of Injuries are:
6 SIs in March 2020.
Two were amputations, both to the leg or foot. The other 4 SIs were fractures:
3 to the leg or foot; and 1 to the torso
January through March
there were 17 SIs in 2020, compared to 15 that occurred in the same months of
Three of the March 2020
SIs were amputations
· Four of these March SIs involved falling while walking at ground level.
The April Summary
of Injuries are:
3 SIs in April 2020.
One was an amputation to the leg or foot. The other 2 SIs were fractures, both
to the torso
January through April
there have been 20 SIs (4 were amputations) in 2020, compared to 22 SIs that
occurred in the same months of 2019.
These Reports are also stored in our Resource Library.
Always work safely!
If your company requires any railway assistance from training to auditing, please feel free to contact me at 780-966-4796.
all your railway training and auditing requirements, please visit https://railwerx.ca/
response, Rail-Werx has added a Resource tab on our Website to house these documents and others that
are not found elsewhere on the Web. You might find this collection to be useful
in your railway operations.
important date to note is August 14, 2020 when Alberta Transportation's
training and auditing exemption/deferral letters expire and may not be renewed.
If you
need assistance for your training and auditing regulatory requirements, we are
here to assist you. Please see our Services tab on our website for further information.
free to call me at 780-966-4796 if you have any questions.
Knut Ohm
VP Business Development
Sad news when a railway fatality
occurs, it reminds us all that working in a railway yard has hazards and we must
always be vigilant. There is a Go Fund Me campaign set up for the worker’s
family (with the link found in the news article).
Stay vigilant and be safe,
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